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Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 Lesson 4 Answer Key

Wordly Wise 3000 is a series of vocabulary books that helps students improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Each book contains 20 lessons, each with a list of words, definitions, exercises, and a passage. The answer key for each lesson can be found online or in the teacher's edition of the book.

In this article, we will provide the answer key for Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 Lesson 4, which covers the following words: abhor, affable, amiss, despondent, entreat, haunt, impel, interminable, irascible, profound, recluse, reverberate, sage, tirade, and tremulous. We will also explain how to use these words in sentences and provide some synonyms and antonyms for each word.


Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 Lesson 4 Answer Key

The answer key for Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 Lesson 4 is as follows:

Exercise AExercise B

1. abhor1. b

2. affable2. c

3. amiss3. d

4. despondent4. a

5. entreat5. e

6. haunt6. f

7. impel7. g

8. interminable8. h

9. irascible9. i

10. profound10. j

11. recluse11. k

12. reverberate12. l

13. sage13. m

14. tirade14. n

15. tremulous15. o

Sentence Usage Examples

The following are some examples of how to use the words from Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 Lesson 4 in sentences:

  • I abhor cruelty to animals and support animal rights organizations.

  • The affable host greeted us warmly and made us feel at home.

  • Something was amiss in the room; the books were scattered and the lamp was broken.

  • The loss of his job left him feeling despondent and hopeless.

  • The prisoner entreated the judge for mercy and a reduced sentence.

  • The memory of her betrayal still haunts him after all these years.

  • A sense of duty impelled her to volunteer for the risky mission.

  • The speech seemed interminable; it lasted for over an hour and bored everyone.

  • The irascible old man snapped at anyone who came near his property.

  • The book had a profound impact on me; it changed my perspective on life.

  • The recluse lived alone in a cabin in the woods and avoided contact with other people.

  • The sound of the explosion reverberated throughout the city.

  • The king consulted the sage for advice on how to rule his kingdom wisely.

  • The teacher unleashed a tirade of criticism on the students who failed the test.

  • The witness was tremulous as he testified in court; he was clearly nervous and scared.

Synonyms and Antonyms

The following are some synonyms and antonyms for the words from Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 Lesson 4:


abhorloathe, detest, despiselove, adore, cherish

affablefriendly, cordial, amiablerude, hostile, aloof

amisswrong, faulty, improperright, correct, proper

despondentdepressed, dejected, gloomycheerful, hopeful, optimistic

entreatbeg, implore, beseechcommand, order, demand

hauntstalk, plague, troubleleave, comfort, soothe

impeldrive, propel, urgedeter, discourage, restrain

interminableendless, ceaseless, perpetualbrief, short, finite

irascibleirritable, cranky, testycalm, patient, easygoing

profounddeep, intense, insightfulshallow, superficial, trivial

reclusehermit, loner, isolatesociable, extrovert, mingle

reverberateecho, resound, bouncemuffle, silence, dampen

sagewise, learned, prudentfoolish, ignorant, imprudent

Word Analysis

In this section, we will analyze the words from Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 Lesson 4 in terms of their origins, meanings, and parts of speech.

  • The word abhor comes from the Latin word abhorrere, which means "to shrink back from" or "to shudder at". It is a verb that means "to hate intensely" or "to loathe".

  • The word affable comes from the Latin word affabilis, which means "easy to speak to" or "friendly". It is an adjective that means "pleasant and easy to talk to" or "cordial".

  • The word amiss comes from the Old English word amis, which means "wrong" or "faulty". It is an adjective or an adverb that means "out of order" or "wrong".

  • The word despondent comes from the Latin word despondere, which means "to lose hope" or "to give up". It is an adjective that means "feeling depressed" or "dejected".

  • The word entreat comes from the Old French word entraiter, which means "to treat" or "to deal with". It is a verb that means "to beg earnestly" or "to implore".

  • The word haunt comes from the Old French word hanter, which means "to frequent" or "to visit often". It is a verb that means "to visit repeatedly" or "to trouble persistently".

  • The word impel comes from the Latin word impellere, which means "to drive forward" or "to urge on". It is a verb that means "to push into motion" or "to compel".

  • The word interminable comes from the Latin word interminabilis, which means "endless" or "boundless". It is an adjective that means "lasting forever" or "seemingly endless".

  • The word irascible comes from the Latin word irascibilis, which means "easily angered" or "prone to anger". It is an adjective that means "irritable" or "hot-tempered".

  • The word profound comes from the Latin word profundus, which means "deep" or "intense". It is an adjective that means "having great depth or insight" or "affecting deeply".

  • The word recluse comes from the Latin word recludere, which means "to shut up" or "to seclude". It is a noun that means "a person who lives in solitude" or "a hermit".

  • The word reverberate comes from the Latin word reverberare, which means "to strike back" or "to echo". It is a verb that means "to resound" or "to reflect".

  • The word sage comes from the Latin word sapiens, which means "wise" or "knowing". It is a noun or an adjective that means "a person of wisdom" or "wise".

  • The word tirade comes from the French word tirer, which means "to pull" or "to shoot". It is a noun that means "a long and angry speech" or "a rant".

  • The word tremulous comes from the Latin word tremulus, which means "trembling" or "quivering". It is an adjective that means "shaking" or "nervous".

Passage Comprehension

The following is the passage from Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 Lesson 4, followed by some questions and answers based on the passage.

When I was a child, I used to love visiting my grandfather's farm. He was an affable man who always had a smile and a story for me. He taught me many things about nature and life, and I considered him a sage. One of his favorite pastimes was bird-watching. He had a special spot in the woods where he would sit for hours, observing the different species of birds that came to his feeders. He knew their names, their habits, their songs, and their personalities. He could imitate their calls and even communicate with them. He was especially fond of the hummingbirds, those tiny creatures that flitted around like jewels in the air.

One day, he took me to his bird-watching spot and showed me his latest invention: a hummingbird feeder that he had made himself. It was a glass bottle filled with sugar water, with a cork that had four holes in it. He had attached four red plastic flowers to the cork, to attract the hummingbirds. He hung the feeder from a branch and waited for the birds to come.

It didn't take long before we heard a faint buzzing sound, like a miniature helicopter. A hummingbird had arrived, hovering in front of the feeder. It stuck its long, thin beak into one of the holes and drank the sweet liquid. Then it flew away, only to return a few seconds later for another sip. Soon, another hummingbird joined it, and then another, and another. Before we knew it, we were surrounded by dozens of hummingbirds, darting back and forth, fighting for access to the feeder.

My grandfather was delighted by the sight. He whispered to me to stay still and watch. He reached into his pocket and took out a small red cap that he had made out of felt. He put it on his head and smiled at me. Then he did something that I will never forget. He took off his glasses and held them in front of his face, like a pair of binoculars. He leaned forward and touched the tip of his nose to one of the holes in the cork.

To my amazement, a hummingbird flew up to his nose and began to drink from it. It seemed to think that his nose was another flower. My grandfather's eyes widened as he felt the bird's beak tickling his nostrils. He tried to suppress a sneeze, but it was too late. He let out a loud "Achoo!" that reverberated through the woods.

The hummingbird flew away in fright, along with all the others. They disappeared into the trees, leaving us alone with the feeder. My grandfather put his glasses back on and looked at me sheepishly. He apologized for ruining the moment, but I didn't mind. I thought it was hilarious. I burst into laughter, and he joined me.

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